Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Prom Night In Mississippi

In 1984, the Supreme Court ordered the integration of all schools. In 1970, Charleston, Mississippi finally integrates its schools, but still have separate proms because of the parents and school board. In 1997, Morgan Freeman offers to pay for an integrated prom, and they decline. In 2008, Morgan offers again...
Prom Night in Mississippi has a documentary feel about it as Morgan tries to induce the school board, children, and children to allow them to have a social interaction that he believes will bring everyone closer. But the kids are judged everyday, especially by color and by who you talk to. The white kids, who are a minority, always win; its a slap in the face to the African American students because white students can say whatever and they have to keep their mouths shut. Parents and alot of the old people are the racists; just talk. Many of the kids believe that having only one prom is good. The current students like a person because of who they are, not the color of their skin. They have learned the life lesson that it doesn't matter if a person is white or black, it matters who they are on the inside; something their parents have yet to understand. Morgan's purpose is to get the kids together. The kids have a chance to make a change, so why not? But in the end, it's about how you feel about who you are as a person and who you choose to hang out with. The people that may try to stop that will be sorry in the long run. As the kids in Charleston, Mississippi found out, people may judge you everyday because of your friends; it doesn't mean that you should judge someone by theirs.

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